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(documentary material held for 1962-85)


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BBC North West Regional Documentaries: Record Detail

Accession Number


Series Title


Programme Title




Other Credits


Transmission Date



colour , sound (sep), 19 mins 46 secs


Frank Mellor goes to National Trust (NT) owned areas of the Lake District: Cockley Beck near Wrynose Pass, Tarn Hows and Friar's Crag on Derwent Water and discusses the conflict between public access and preservation. Mellor visits the NT Regional Office near Windermere and interviews Tony Law, NT's Regional Agent, and a female B&B owner. The NT's Neil Allinson is shown supervising young volunteers who are preventing footpath erosion. A piece of NT-owned land near Coniston which is being leased to a caravan club is shown. Herdwick sheep farmer Vic Toms is interviewed about his lifestyle. There are shots of the NT-owned Sizergh Castle near Kendal. Tennant farmer Hughie Parker speaks about tourism and is shown sheep shearing.