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(documentary material held for 1962-85)


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BBC North West Regional Documentaries: Record Detail

Accession Number


Series Title


Programme Title



Tony Broughton

Other Credits

Editor: S. Wolfenden

Transmission Date



colour , sound (sep), 29 mins 37 secs


Incomplete programme about the career of politician Ellen Wilkinson (1891-1947), daughter of a factory worker, born in Ardwick in Manchester. A voice-over describes Wilkinson's school life, her study of history at Manchester University and her teacher training. Her path towards Parliament is traced: she joined the Independent Labour Party at the age of sixteen, in 1912 became involved with the Women's Suffrage movement and the Fabian Society, in 1923 she was Councillor for Gorton South and in 1935 became MP for Jarrow (which had one of the worst unemployment records in Britain). There is an account of a march she organised involving two hundred unemployed workers from Jarrow to London. She was the first woman to be Minister of Education (appointed in 1945) and her achievements included increasing the school-leaving age and securing the School Milk Act. She died from pneumonia in 1947. Michael Foot, leader of the Labour Party from 1980 to 1983, talks about Wilkinson's strength and wit.