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(documentary material held for 1962-85)


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BBC North West Regional Documentaries: Record Detail

Accession Number


Series Title


Programme Title



Terry Wheeler

Other Credits

Editor: John Grove

Transmission Date



colour , sound (sep), 11 mins 10 secs


B113/1: Features two separate items each approximately 5 minutes long. The first deals with a 'Community Task Force' project (12 month CTF projects took place all over the North West to give unemployed school leavers new skills) to restore sections of the Leeds Liverpool canal. There are interviews with young men on the project and they are shown cleaning the canal and building a fence. There are general views of the canal including rubbish-strewn sections, canal-side paths and locks. The second item features two young men who are on a North West Fishing Training Association Scheme and they are shown with trawler fishermen fishing in the River Dee. They are seen hauling in nets, sorting fish on deck, rowing ashore and being picked up by a tractor on the beach. There are also shots of a boatyard. 11m10s