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(documentary material held for 1962-85)


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BBC North West Regional Documentaries: Record Detail

Accession Number


Series Title


Programme Title



Bruce Rawlings

Other Credits

Writer and Presenter: Alistair Macdonald; Graphics: Ken Masterson; Production Co-ordinator: Wilf Darlington; Film Sound: Des Glancy; Film Editor: Jane Ridley

Transmission Date



colour , sound (sep), 17 mins 28 secs


Programme in which a BBC film crew including presenter Alistair Macdonald travels to Lebanon's capital Beirut with medical aid charity 'Survive', just after fighting ended in 1982. Follows the crew on their problematic journey, driving in a Survive medical minibus for much of the way, from Survive's headquarters in Liverpool, via Calais, Bruges, Salzburg, Belgrade, Athens and Cyprus to Beirut. They struggle with slow-moving traffic, a petrol shortage in Yugoslavia and cancelled ferries into Beirut. Once in Beirut, they visit a handicapped children's home and meet volunteer medical worker Anya Vonderhart there. Includes shots of missiles being fired in Beirut, injured children, the Survive minibus being blessed by Bishop of Liverpool Anthony Hitchen and the Beirut skyline.