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Film & Video Catalogue: Search Results

Searched For: Royal visit to Burnley / Year: 1968
Record 1 – 2 of 2
Date: 1968 Film Number: 5347
Record of Queen Elizabeth II's visit to Burnley in 1968. Preparations are made as part of 'Operation Spring Clean' to decorate and clean local buildings and set up a covered stage outside St Peter's Church. Clergymen, councillors, dignitaries and members of local organisations gather in the churchyard as crowds line the street outside. The Queen is greeted by Lord Derby and the mayor, before she is introduced to selected officials, clergy and guests on the stage. Her Majesty signs the visitor's book and leaves in the royal car. For more information about this film-maker, and to view other films made by him, please visit the Sam Hanna section of the North West Film Archive website by pasting the following link into your browser-
Date: 1968 Film Number: 9467
The visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Burnley in 1968 and the preceding 'Operation Springclean' - the cleaning of the town's buildings and gardens. Wood is collected to build a bonfire and the dirty buildings are sand blasted.
Record 1 – 2 of 2