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Film & Video Catalogue: Item Detail

Film Number





Ossie Thomas









Running Time

25 mins 45 secs


Outside St Andrews Parish Church in Cleveleys there is a sign for patronal festival. Girl guides, brownies, scouts and cubs line up outside the church before taking part in the procession. Crowds gather to view the procession including the mayor. In the next scene a group of women board the coach to attend the Mothers Union Deanery Festival. Upon arrival the women take part in the procession. A home-made title card reads 'Christian Aid 'Helpers' 1969' - volunteers take part in a fund-raising car wash outside St. Andrews Parish church. A sponsored walk is also held to raise money for the charity. The Mothers Union visit a children's home in Natland. Children help out with the gardening, play games and pose for the camera. Later members of the junior youth club depart St. Andrews church to spend a weekend at Whalley Abbey. In the next scene we see different floats taking part in the procession including St. Andrews parish church's Sunday School Queen. A Sunday School festival is held at St Peter's Church in Darwen. A brass band lead the procession followed by clergymen, children and the Sunday School Queen. Back in Cleveleys, members of the youth club prepare to set off for a trip to Windermere. Later guests arrive at the church for the wedding of the Vicar's daughter. The bridesmaids arrive soon followed by the bride (Carole) and her father. Later the newlyweds pose for photographs outside the church. In the next scene children and parents arrive at the church with food and flowers for the Harvest festival.



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